Advanced Reader Copies are a great way to get some early reviews, and generate hype for your book prior to its release.
The Sinister Scoop is so proud and beyond excited to announce that we are now accepting ARCs.
Advanced Reader Copies are a great way to get some early reviews, and generate hype for your book prior to its release. Though we're still working on expanding an official team of reviewers, we have many avid readers amongst our contributors who would love to help you out.
If you're interested in submitting an ARC to The Sinister Scoop, please read our Guidelines below.

Submitting an ARC to our team is as easy as filling out the form below. However, here are a few pointers on submission to make the process smoother:
Please try to give us at least 2 months to read. This means if you would like the review to come out before publication, we need to have the book two months before that publication date.
We understand that ARCs are not always through the final stages of editing/formatting, but please try to make sure that the version you send our way is polished to the best of your ability and that the format is readable.
We are still on a volunteer basis. Submitting to us does not guarantee you a review on our site before the deadline or at all. If you only have a number of copies to send out, please feel free to inquire about interest before sending a copy.
We may use the email left in our form to contact you with additional questions or requests for promotional material.
Please include a list of any social media accounts or author websites you would like listed in the review.
Finished reviews will be posted to our site, though readers may also choose to rate and review on Amazon, Goodreads, or other third party review sites at their own discretion.
ALL reviews are 100% completely honest. While we do our best to promote indie horror in a positive light, you will not find us fudging our reviews -- and keep in mind that not book is a fit for every reviewer.
We are not interested in any works that are racist, sexist, ableist, homophobic, or in any way discriminatory as a whole. Submitting offensive materials to our staff could result in the most unfavorable reviews and getting blocked from our team.
If you are worried about the content of your book, or anything else, feel free to query us.
We are still expanding our team of readers. If this is something you'd be interested in, please, don't hesitate to reach out through our email: thesinisterscoop@gmail.com.

Please feel free to send to send your ARC to the following email: thesinisterscoop@gmail.com .
Send it along with the following information:
Your Name
Book Title
Release Date
Content Warnings (if applicable)
Any other relevant information about yourself/your project.

Is your book already out, but suffering a slump? On sale? Coming up on an anniversary? Do you just really like our style of reviews and want to feel included? We will also take free books in exchange for a review at basically any time. Priorities will typically go to the ARCs, but we would love to have your book on our roster if you think it could be a fit for us.
Please query us at thesinisterscoop@gmail.com