Happy Tuesday Horror Fans! I’ve got a good pick for you this week! I watched Home Sweet Home for the first time and holy cow! I love a good home invasion movie and this did not disappoint! This stars Meghan Heffern as Sara (known for Chloe in 2009, and The Fog in 2005) and Adam MacDonald as Frank (known for directing Backcountry in 2014 and directing Pyewacket in 2017). Sara and Frank are a husband and wife having a weekend alone in their new house for the first time after having their first child. However, the first person we see in the film is the intruder and we see them setting up the house for the first almost 20 minutes of the film just waiting for Frank and Sara to arrive home.
Once the couple arrives home, we get a brief peek into their relationship and it seems solid. We learn they recently moved out to a rural area and Sara is having a bit of a hard time adjusting. We also learn she felt like someone was watching the house earlier in the week. The couple relax a bit and then Sara makes her way upstairs so she can shower, and then she and Frank will have some adult time. Sara even gets out her old cheerleading uniform and then has to spend the rest of the movie in this costume. I will say that they used an actual uniform and not a provocative Halloween cheer uniform, which I loved, because I hate seeing women in movies like these have to fight off bad guys in lingerie.
The film goes from 0 to 100 so quickly. The tension is beautiful and the acting is great. Sara carries the film's pacing and offers us a great character to root for. With a run time of 1 hour and 20 minutes, this film was over before I knew it. The twist at the end made my jaw drop and my heart ache for this couple. The fights between this couple and the intruder were thrilling and it had me on the edge of my seat to see how this one was gonna end. If you love a classic home invasion movie you will enjoy this. I can't believe I had yet to see this one! Give it a watch while you can for free on Tubi!
9.5 out of 10 Screams