We decided it would be fun to get a bunch of people involved in something festive! This time of year has an entirely different feel to it, and most folks have a movie that resonates so much more for them during the holiday season. We reached out to several people across the community for what that film is for them! If you have one that isn't on here, be sure to let us know what your favorite wintery holiday movie is. ☠️❄️
"Better Watch Out is a must watch for me every year now. A home invasion movie with a sprinkling of Home Alone antics. It's festive, fun & completely twisted!"
Becky - contributor/reviewer, IG: this.girl.loves.horror
"Gremlins 1984 - The blend of yuletide cheer, dark humor, and chaotic energy has absolutely shaped who I am as a person and a horror fan."
Steven - co-host of Voices From the Mausoleum, Twitter: polterguysteve
"My favorite Christmas horror movie is 2019’s A Christmas Carol starring Guy Pierce. It’s the classic tale of Christmas Ghosts, but the darker elements and themes are enhanced and emphasized for an adult audience, making Scrooge’s redemptive arc all the more significant."
Derek Hutchins - Author of The Undertaker and Other Macabre Tales
"Santa Clause: The Movie (1985) is a bit corny, but it quickly tells the Santa origin story and then jumps to present day (85) where corporate America is trying to take over Christmas. You have John Lithgow as the almost comical, but superb villian with Dudley Moore and Burgess Meredith, and you learn what the color Puce looks like. What else do you need?"
R.K. Latch, writer of The Bone Tribe and other stuff you should read.
"My Favourite Christmas horror movie is Gremlins! The overall tone and feel is a happy Christmas movie with a darker edge. Almost everything about this movie captures the essence of Christmas, from Gizmo in a Santa Hat to the showdown in the toy store. On a backdrop of snow and Christmas lights, this movie is the ultimate Christmas horror, followed shortly by Christmas Bloody Christmas but that's a conversation for another day 😅"
Scott Harding of the You Run Network
"The Mean One (2022) is without a doubt an annual watch now. It's so over the top ridiculous, and twists all the things we think we know about the Grinch into a hilarious and gory Christmas fest! The best training montage ever, Christmas ornament weapons, and so many references to the original work make this a win.😂🎄💜"
Tasha Reynolds - Editor, Author, Podcaster, founder of The Scoop!
"Anna and the Apocalypse is incredible to me, because of how much FUN it has. Whoever greenlit a High School Musical Christmas special, but with zombies, deserves a spot at the top of Murder-Santa's nice list. And Director John McPhail deserves a spot as the angel atop our Christmas Trees for making such a hodgepodge of ideas work in every regard. It's a solid zombie movie. It's a solid musical. It's a solid Christmas movie. How?"
William Sterling - Author, Screenwriter, and Host of the Killer Mediums Podcast
"'Jack Frost' is an annual festive treat for me. Whilst it is by no means a good movie, its overall festive tone and over the top ridiculousness is always guaranteed to put a smile on my face. It's the perfect Christmas movie for straight to dvd bargain bin hunters and B-movie aficionados such as myself.
Marc from Reviews from the Crypt and You Run Podcast
*Note from Tasha: I give him a hard time about rating on a scale of 1-5, and so I hereby post this rating against my will and he did it on purpose🤣😂
"Without a doubt, Gremlins (1984) is my favorite all-time Christmas horror movie. With a great cast, storyline, and dark comedy, Gremlins is a film that is a must-see during the Christmas season because on top of all I stated before; it gave us Gizmo."
JR from Horror Fiend TV
"A Christmas Horror Story (2015) - A bonkers, off-the-wall holiday horror bonanza that features a Krampus, this one makes for a fun and campy viewing. Infected elves, evil spirits and more supernatural mischief are featured in parallel stories with creepy creatures galore."
KC Grifant, author of MELINDA WEST: MONSTER GUNSLINGER (Brigids Gate Press) and internationally published horror, science fiction and weird western stories
"I’m going to say that Nightmare Before Christmas is my favorite. As long as I can remember, I’ve been inspired by the artistic genius of Tim Burton. Everything in this movie is amazing, from the stop motion filming, the music, and the over all story has always warmed my oddball heart ☺️🖤"
Melissa Rohwer - Artist, IG: mezmerizingstudios
"I love Krampus! It's so nostalgic but with great action. The family dynamics hit the mark, and the plot is well-executed. I really enjoyed the ending as well."
Ruth Anna Evans - Author, Cover Artist, and tons of other amazing things!!

"My favorite horror holiday movie is Pooka which is part of the Into The Dark holiday series that Hulu did. I love this film because this is the nickname I gave my son, but also because when I watched this film I really loved how it encompasses family, tragedy, grief, and ambition. Very creative and festive film."
Angel Krause - Founder of Voices From the Mausoleum
"Here's my reasoning for loving Black Christmas: It contains some of the best acting and dialogue of any movie in the horror genre. Very rarely do I get chills while watching a movie, but the ending to Black Christmas gets me every time. Throw in the fact that it has a truly unsettling killer, and you've got a bona-fide masterpiece!"
Radar DeBoard - Author
"Anna and the Apocalypse is the best Xmas movie ever made. It’s basically Dawn of the Dead meets High School Musical. How is anyone going to sit there and say they don’t want to watch a movie with catchy songs, zombies, and burning Christmas trees? Please."
Damien Casey - Author of 28 Days Sassier (and so much more!)
"My favorite Christmas movie is A L’intérieur because I get burnt out on holiday vibes, but not on French extremism."
Cat Voleur - Author (and because she's too modest to list anything else - Podcaster, Editor, Formatter, and Technical Wizard at The Scoop😂)