The tale Carol tells in The Hallowed Earth* is one that might initially sound eerily familiar, but she takes it so far beyond the level of recent events in the world that there's no confusing her story with current disasters. A pandemic and war have irreparably damaged the population, and the survivors are left struggling to maintain some semblance of normal life.
While it seems like we're headed there now, what no one in The Hallowed Earth anticipated was being a pawn in a much larger battle of angels versus demons, with a dash of faeries mixed in, and a good solid pinch of dragons. That's right folks, DRAGONS. (Did I mention there are dragons?!)
Our main character Luke is incredibly relatable and struggles with all of this, in addition to growing up in a home run by the leader of their colony (who also happens to be his brother-in-law). Not only are they struggling to restore the balance of day to day life while protecting those who have survived so far, but as they're going to discover, things will only get worse.
When Luke falls ill, he begins having bizarre dreams that he gradually realizes may be far more real than he believed. A mysterious woman tries to convince him that he is more than just a human in these dreams, while the demons roll out their nefarious plans in the waking world, and we learn shocking information about another main character (no spoilers here), just in time for a MASSIVE cliffhanger! Be prepared to sit on the edge of your seat while waiting for Carol's 2nd installment to release!
If you want a taste of the book before diving in, you can go listen to Carol read a portion on the Raventale Publishing podcast, The Witching Hour!
Look Carol up here:
Twitter: @coney_carol
Instagram: coneycarol
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