Happy Tuesday Horror Fans! This one is for all my found footage lovers. I found The Glenarma Tapes while browsing Tubi and knew I had to check this one out. This film starts with a news report about 6 people who had gone missing in The Glenarma Forest almost two years ago. We learn that 4 students and two teachers went missing one night, only one person made it out of the woods and the others have not been seen.
The film then shows footage of the day of the disappearances. The tape revolves around the students and started as a student film that went a bit rouge. Overall the students are really fun and before things start going bad its very easy to feel connected to the group of four. I love the use of the one camera to start and then its revealed that the main camera operator brings go pro head lamp camera for his friends once they arrive at the woods.
I loved the use of Irish folklore that is told to our group by the slightly odd petrol station guy. This adds an interesting layer as the tension builds in the film for what our group finds in the forrest. Once in the forest and once the sun goes down our group of friends stumble across a grisly scene that propels the story forward for the last half of the film.
Some people may find the ending too vague but I enjoy something a bit more openended. While The Glenarma Tapes give a great atmosphere the scares may not be punched up enough for some people. This could be a great introduction into found footage for anyone needing something to show a partner or friend.
Overall The Glenarma Tapes is worth the watch and a great addition to the found footage genre. The atmosphere that is created holds the audience's attention even through the few slow parts of the film. Which during the 80 minute run time is not that much.
7 out of 10 Screams