Break out your Ouija boards horror fans, it's time to connect with some spirits!
This week for Tubi Tuesday I review the 2024 film This Never Happened. This film focuses on Emily who is traveling with her boyfriend Mateo, to his family home after the death of his father. While at the funeral Emily meets Mateo's childhood friends and they decide to stay in Mateo's family home one last time before it is sold.
Early on, the audience sees that Emily takes some type of medication and runs out of it just before the trip. The audience is then told that she can see spirits like her grandmother could. So it's easy to piece together that she takes the medication to stop her ‘gift’. Emily is a very sweet and likable character and she becomes even more likable once Mateo's friends are introduced. Ale is Mateo's ex-girlfriend and treats Emily very poorly for most of the film. Mia is another friend and seems to be the most welcoming. Finally, we have Nico, who is the jokester/party animal of the group.
As the evening progresses and the group drinks and swims in the pool, Emily is having these visions of a girl about her age, and this person seems to be lingering around the house and Mateo and his friends. This leads to a lot of paranormal activity and some pretty good scary vibes. I always love a movie when all the friends are spread out in the house and something is coming after them one by one. This film has a good run time of 90 minutes and the ending is very well done as the audience learns the origins of the lingering female spirit.
Overall I would recommend giving This Never Happened a watch. While I was able to guess the ending, it was still enjoyable and didn't feel so predictable that I was bummed out by the ending. The effects in the movie were really interesting and I loved what they did with the makeup looks for the spirits and some of the horror scenes. So check this out if you are in need of a solid spirit movie.
7 out of 10 Screams