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Queer, Indie Horror Spotlight on Jason Nickey!

I was happy to have connected with Jason (he/him) on BookTok when I first started using that platform. We were both horror reviewers and fans. I knew immediately he would be a friend. Jason is one of those rare people who doesn't have to put on a fake persona for his videos or online interactions. He is real, humble, confident, and kind. Since then, it has been such a cool experience to watch him release his books out into the world and solidify his place in the indie horror community. Jason has several books, a few of which he co-wrote with fellow author, Stuart Bray. His most recent release, Rural Decay, had gotten fantastic reviews.

I know you guys will love getting to know a bit about Jason from this interview!

A handsome, beareded man pointing at a copy of his book Wreckage.

Can you give a brief introduction of yourself?

Jason: "I'm a 40-year-old indie horror writer from West Virginia. I live with my partner, Jared, who I've been with for the past six years. My writing consists mostly of short stories and novellas ranging in horror styles."

What made you want to start writing?

Jason: "It's something I have always wanted to do. Over the years, I had written here and there but never had the confidence to actually submit it anywhere or attempt publishing. I usually just ended up trashing anything I wrote. It was reading so much indie horror that gave me that final push to actually put my stories out into the world."

What authors and books inspire your writing?

Jason: "While there's definitely inspiration from some of the bigger names like King, Barker, and Palahniuk, my inspiration is more rooted in indie authors like Ryan C. Thomas, Elias Witherow, Kristopher Rufty, and Eric LaRocca. These folks, along with many others in the community, are thinking outside the box and doing things we haven't seen done in the mainstream stuff. They made me not only want to write more stories, but to write stories that aren't the same ideas you see everywhere else."

Why is it important to you to write stories featuring queer folks?

Jason: "As both a reader and a writer, I think feeling represented is important. Having queer characters in a story that aren't just a side character and/or a walking stereotype helps people like myself feel seen and heard. It's something I've felt was lacking in the indie scene for a while, especially when it comes to extreme and splatter. I've loved seeing this little niche grow in the last few years."

Do you have a current WIP? (work in progress)

Jason: "Multiple. Stuart Bray, Chuck Nasty, and I are currently working on 'Sludge 2' together and I'm putting together a collection called 'Slush Pile' that I plan to release this fall. There's also a a true crime themed novella that I've been outlining over the last week or two that I plan to start writing soon."

Shoutout a queer indie horror author you love!

Jason: "There are so many, and I'm sure I'll miss a few, but Eric LaRocca, Judith Sonnet, Brandon Perras Sanchez, Royal Poff, Rowland Bercy Jr., and Hailey Piper."

The cover of Jason's novella Rural Decay; a faded grey background with half of a bearded man looking down.

Where to find Jason!


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