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Open Call: Spectrum


I am excited to announce Spectrum is open for Submissions on June 16th 2023. This is a Horror ASD Anthology with priority being given to BIPOC and Queer Authors on the Autistic Spectrum.


June 16th -- August 25th 2023


Up to 4,000 words


.10 per word



Deep in the recesses of our minds are twisted realities that so closely mirror our own. In these pages our nightmares are laid bare, made to manifest. There is no waking up, there is no going back once you fall into the tapestry of terrors that await. Are you ready?

I am excited to announce Spectrum is open for Submissions on June 16th 2023. This is a Horror ASD Anthology with priority being given to BIPOC and Queer Authors on the Autistic Spectrum. This Anthology is curated by Aquino Loayza, Author of the Queer New England Folklore Horror Novel Deep, Roxie Voorhees, co-editor of MINE: An Anthology of Body Autonomy Horror, and Lor Gislason, the Mastermind behind the dark and twisted Body Horror Novel Inside Out.

Theme: The stories need not be specifically themed, but we are going for Horror and want Autistic representation. However that looks to you is subjective, as there is significant variance in our community, and this collection should reflect that diversity in experiences, races, and gender identities. The Rate we are paying is .10 Per Word of Finished and edited stories.

All writers are welcomed to submit, but editors heavily encourage Own Voices from marginalized communities. No writer will be asked to out themself or prove their racial identity or neurodivergency.

Fairytale and mythological retellings are welcome, but any repurposed content, characters, or themes must clearly reside in the public domain. It is the author’s responsibility to ensure compliance before submission.


We are seeking Horror works relating to the ASD experience prose format, but again, no fanfiction or anything that uses any recently published and/or copyrighted characters or content not explicitly in the public domain. The author will be responsible for any copyright infringement, incidental or intentional.



Simultaneous submissions are allowed but notify us if your story is accepted elsewhere as soon as possible.


Two submissions per author. We understand that no two stories are the same. That said, we have limited man hours. Also know, only one will be accepted.




Preliminary Selection Notification: October 13th, 2023


Accepted authors grant Spectrum first and exclusive right of publication. The particular story should not have appeared anywhere else, in print or online format or platform. If Accepted, we are asking for a six-month period of exclusivity after publication and the right to keep the story in print as part of the anthology. We don’t ask for more requests than we need to produce our anthology or place any limits on what you can do with your story after the exclusivity period. Copyright always remains with the author.


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