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Open Call: Archive of the Odd

A bird in a round frame, perched on a keyhole,  with a banner reading "Archive of the Odd."

Archive of the Odd Issue #4

Archive of the Odd is a biannual magazine of found fiction—stories told in the style of found footage, also known epistolary, neo-epistolary, found file, or found document fiction. Essentially, stories told in the form of other documents.


Sep 15th -- Nov 15th


500 -- 8k (main magazine)

5k -- 12k Chapbooks (query)


We pay 1 cent/word USD + a share of royalties. We are currently pursuing grants and other means of additional funding.



Archive of the Odd is a biannual magazine of found fiction—stories told in the style of found footage, also known epistolary, neo-epistolary, found file, or found document fiction. Essentially, stories told in the form of other documents.

All submissions must be found fiction. We realize this is oddly specific, so if you’re not sure what we’re looking for, the best way will be to look at the stories on our website, or buy an issue to see the full zine treatment (in fact, if you email us or DM us on Twitter we’ll give you a coupon code for being a savvy author… just saying). Alternately, think about all the things you read on a daily basis that aren’t fiction. Newspapers? Emails? Product support guides? …Submissions calls?

If you read all of this and still have questions, please refer to our FAQ, or query!

Alright, let’s dive in!


We welcome stories that tackle real world issues like racism, homophobia, transphobia, ableism, and more. However, overt racism, homophobia, etc. without a distinct purpose will not be tolerated. Essentially, if we cannot tell if the hate is from the mouth of the character or the author, we cannot in good conscience accept it.


Reprints are welcome, as long as you have the rights and let us know its publication history.



(up to 3, although at most 1 will be accepted).


Mixed media, interactive, HTML, and other boundary-breaking pieces are always welcome. If you’re able to fit things in a PDF format, that’s great, but otherwise we can make alternative arrangements (e.g. links to repositories).


  • All submissions must be found fiction. We do not accept traditional prose or poetry.

  • We read blind, so please do not include personal information (name, address, email, etc.) in the document. Please include your name in your cover letter, though!

  • Shunn formatting is nice, but if it doesn’t work for your story, don’t worry! As long as the fonts and stylization are readable, it’s fine. We don’t have a preference between plain text or pre-formatted pieces.


  • Cover letters won’t sway us, but in general a good format is “Dear Editors,” (or “Dear Mycelial Network,” “Dear Archivists,” “O Creatures of the Night,” etc.), your name, the title of the story, the word count, any special considerations (e.g. there being a link to a video halfway through), and a sendoff.

  • Attach as .pdf, .doc., .docx., or .rtf form for stories, and high quality .png or .jpeg for art!

  • Send to


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