With this story being as short as it is, it'll naturally have a brief review, but that doesn't make it any less fascinating!
If you've read REVENGE ARC (as you should have), you'll know that Cat is wonderfully unorthodox in her methods of storytelling, and this story is no different. The challenge here is presenting an entire tale through the progression of a text conversation, and only knowing what the characters come right out and tell you. Suspense is also a huge element here; the slow building of tension reaching one hell of a crescendo.
It's a very quick read given the format, but 100% worth it, and just look at that COVER!
But WAIT, there's more! Since this tale is a quick read and it's hard to dive too deeply without spoiling anything, I decided to get some help from a couple of horror folks.🥰

Mon Amour by Cat Voleur is a gulp of a book. You start reading and don’t stop for air until the very end. Sinister and sexy, it’s one great page after another. I am so proud to have been a part of this book, a story told entirely in text.
Cat took an image and turned it into the coolest concept ever. It’s hard to imagine something fitting this cover more than this story, which digs into online love and the fear that comes with it, long-held shame and regret, and the power of doing something just a little bit—or a lot—bad. Buy this book, there’s none other like it.
~Ruth Anna

I will always prioritize reading Cat Voleur and this book was a reminder of why that will remain true. Telling an entire story in the perspective of a text conversation? While I would normally say the idea itself is intriguing, I can see where logistically it could be problematic if not executed flawlessly. But, don't worry, Cat had us covered.
This short mystery horror was something I couldn't predict but I couldn't get enough of. I read it so fast and it was such a fun and on-theme read for the time it was released. The unique sense of storytelling felt like a real conversation. It was believable and at times I was so lost in it, I had to wonder whose texts I was actually
reading through. This is a quick read, but an absolutely enjoyable experience.