'Infinity pool' is the latest film to be released under the instantly recognisable Cronenberg name. Although this didn't quite reach the heights I was expecting from it, there is no denying the collaborative partnership between director Brandon Cronenberg and cinematographer Karim Hussain is something of a masterclass in modern day film making. Featuring some of the more interesting and creative camera work I have seen in recent years, and introducing an array of awe-inspiring psychedelic sequences throughout, it's all paired perfectly with Tim Hecker's eerie and emotionally amplifying score.
The casting features some truly mesmerising performances from both leads - Alexander Skarsgård as James Foster, and Mia Goth as Gabi Bauer. Goth's ability to give a what seems like an effortless performance and yet still capture the focus of the entire screen, regardless of how pivotal she is to the scene playing out, is a talent like no other. Skarsgård too showcases his incredible range as a performer as we witness his character James go on a journey of self discovery over the course of this film. This constant shift in character development gives Skarsgård the opportunity to portray multiple variations of James over a short period of time.
'Infinity Pool' is something that I went into with very limited knowledge of beforehand and for some this may be the perfect way to experience this film. However, for me, I found it to be an underwhelming execution of a concept that my expectations had developed into something much grander in scope. The performances here are outstanding and there is no denying that Cronenberg is a fantastic visionary film maker and his talent as a director is second to none, I just feel the potential of 'Infinity Pool' is much greater than the overall execution of its narrative.
💀💀💀 1/2
Check out Marc's entire review here
Listen to Dewey Pod-Monster discuss it here
What did the Horror Fiends have to say? Check out this video
Find out what Polterguy Steve said about it in this episode from Voices from the Mausoleum