First and foremost ... The Scoop will be moving into YouTube!! Hang in there withwith us through this rollout, but we're excited to be able to expand into a new format, especially as we're interacting more with indie filmmakers and doing more interviews.
Part of this expansion is also so we can offer something a bit different ...
Every year, award season rolls around and it's a mix of excitement and congratulations, but also some disappointment at a lack of fresh faces on nomination lists. We have no intentions of being disrespectful to existing award shows and the fantastic writers who frequent them, because we're excited for any indie writer to be recognized! However, in Scoop fashion, we're going to turn awards on their heads.
We want to give awards to the fresh faces. The amazing books and anthologies that fly just under the radar, but don't quite reach that "mainstream" level of indie (I know that's kind of an oxymoron). The authors who blow us right out of the water and leave us stunned!
So, we present to you ... THE GOLDEN SCOOPS!

With awards like Author to Keep an Eye On, Funniest Promotional Campaign, Best Cover, Best Charity Anthology, and Best Book in the Freezer, we have 15 different awards to both honor and entertain you.
Eligible projects (and people) will have been launched between May 15th, 2023, and May 15th, 2024. We will open nominations on May 20th for one week, followed by two weeks of voting. Winners will be announced on a livestream Saturday, June 22nd! They will receive a state of the art (goofy AF) Golden Scoop award with TBD merch and stickers.
Stay tuned for more updates, and hit us up with any questions!!