As many of you know/saw, TBR Con was in Knoxville, TN this past weekend, which just happens to be my stomping grounds. I lost my MIND when I saw how many authors there were ones who had been nominated for Golden Scoops awards back in June, and I tried (unsuccessfully, because I talk too much) to catch up with all of them.

This nomination for I Just Threw Up in My Mouth a Little from Jason Nickey was obviously a stop along the way! We were both thinking the nomination was Books in the Freezer, but after reading it, I'm assigning it double duty. After throwing up in your mouth a little, you'll definitely tuck it away in the freezer!
As horror fans (and any of my true crime peeps out there), we regularly see insane family dynamics, and families killing together, but Jason pushes those tropes from 0 to 100 in RURAL DECAY. There are a lot of different directions a story can take after a child discovers his father is a serial killer, but this is a path I never would have predicted.
RURAL DECAY is brutal as hell in so many different ways, and Jason creates so much internal conflict with how well the characters are written. This is an insane roller coaster from start to finish, so if you're looking for an extreme novella that leaves you trying to figure out what you just read and how you feel about it, it's clear why this one was nominated!
Also, make sure you read the linked interview Jason did with Kirsten for her Pride Month/Indie Horror Spotlights a couple months ago, to learn more about the mind behind this story!
