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Becky's Got 'The Craft' (1996)!

Writer's picture: BeckyBecky

This week we go back to 1996 when the cult classic, The Craft was released. I just love this movie, and it was another favourite for me as a teenager growing up in the 90s. We were bought iconic lines such as, 'We are the weirdos mister', and you know we all tried the 'light as a feather, stiff as a board' trick to see if we could make our friends levitate!

You'll recognise lots of faces in this one! Neve Campbell, Robin Tunney, Fairuza Balk, Christina Taylor, Skeet Ulrich, Breckin Meyer and more! All familiar from childhood and teen movies back in the day. Everytime I watch this I forget that Neve and Skeet have worked together before their Scream days!

Fairuza is a standout in this for me. She plays a great bitch and is truly scary as Nancy!

The film follows the story of Sarah, the sweet new girl who gets befriended by 3 girls at her new school, and they all happen to practice witchcraft. All the girls have their own personal issues- bullying, abusive parents, physical and mental health issues and as they start to wreak havoc on school friends, things take a turn for the worse.

I'm not a huge fan of 'witchy' films, but this is a fantastic movie, with some great creepy moments. The four girls gel well together and the acting throughout is great. There are some CGI scenes that look a little dated now, but actually alot of it isn't actually too bad considering it was nearly 30 years ago! (I feel old!) 😭

I'm sure most of you will have seen this one already, but if not...what are you waiting for?!


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